Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: military art

Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 and their analogue in the «Stratehemas» by Section Juliy Frontin
Historical and political researches
Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 and their analogue in the «Stratehemas» by Section Juliy Frontin

Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 

History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art in M.Ja. Sjuzjumov’s Unpublished Works of the 1930–1940s
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art in M.Ja. Sjuzjumov’s Unpublished Works of the 1930–1940s

History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art

The Military Art and the Black Sea Coastline: the Amphibious Operations at the Mouth of the Psezuapse River in 1839-1840 years
History and Historians in the Context of the Time
The Military Art and the Black Sea Coastline: the Amphibious Operations at the Mouth of the Psezuapse River in 1839-1840 years

Amphibious Operations at the Mouth of the Psezuapse River in 1839-1840 years

